These two weeks have been monumental for our full spectrum family, who is finally seeing some of the benefits that our Genesis Blend Hemp Extract offers.
David, the oldest this full spectrum family, is reportedly doing very well in school. Mom says that his teachers are having to give him new goals since he’s achieving his current ones so quickly. Not only this, but, all-around, his mother has noticed an ease in his anxiety–both in school and at home.
Polly, eight-years-old and high in temper, still seems to be having some meltdowns; however, Mom says that she’s been more amicable, listening well at home, following instructions, and playing better with her siblings.
Rambunctious Eloise seems to be the same–she still enjoys pushing the buttons of all of her siblings and continues to packrat random trinkets in her room. Mom hopes that in the next week or two, she’ll see a more notable change in her youngest daughter.
Silas, our nonverbal five-year-old, is still a happy boy. While Mom hasn’t noticed any distinguishable changes in mood, she admits that he takes his CBD oil (which this family purchases in our popular Bubblegum flavor) without complaint.
When her children allow it, Mom still notes the exceptional sleep she’s getting–just two weeks after starting her family’s new CBD regimen. Her anxiety remains about the same, but her depression and joint pain has lessened.
Just as we love to hear the results this family is finding in their home, we want to hear from you too! This is, after all, a community of friends and families who all share a common goal: to better their quality of life with a full spectrum CBD regimen. Feel like jumping on the CBD bandwagon? Head over to one of our Kentucky locations (in Lexington or Midway) or shop Bluegrass Hemp Oil online to get easy-access to all of our renowned, full spectrum Genesis Blend products.
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