How much does CBD cost? Prices can swing from one extreme to another but when looking to purchase quality CBD, there are countless factors to be considered. While price is definitely one of them, the old saying “you get what you pay for” isn’t always the case.
If you have ever surfed the web in search of CBD, I am sure you have seen the flashing icons, paid top thirty lists, and websites that have no point of contact. This can be discouraging and drive people to splurge on the highest price found. It must mean quality, right? Not necessarily.
Cannabidiol, often seen as the acronym CBD, falls into a class of molecules known as cannabinoids. There are over 100 recognized cannabinoids in the Cannabis Sativa plant and CBD just so happens to be the most predominant cannabinoid in hemp and studied to be the most therapeutic.
So, you want to know how much you are paying per milligram for your CBD?
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